My first attempt with Sketchup turned out a little wonky, attempting to capture postmodern style.
For my second attempt, I looked at the idea of Palladianism. The Greek and Roman temple influence is clear in the use of columns and steps. I chose to incorporate some of the Postmodern ideas here as well, adapting the triangular top of the pillars to give a more unique dimension to the design. This also illustrates the concept of deconstruction, altering the precepts of the Palladianism design. In addition I added some protruding black ornaments to the building, representing the concept of cladding. Lastly by adding an array of colors, the building illustrates polychrony.
Hmmm, well it looks like you gave it a shot. You should probably try again. The assignment was to design a building that had elements of about 5 or so of the 500 Great Ideas book and write about it. -- Brian